This page is loaded with pics, please be patient!!
The Home of the
Thanks for visiting our humble website!
Dan Franks here, half of the B.R.T. I have been at my hardware engineering job a little over two years. Fancy term for a geek who replaces computer hardware!
The other half of B.R.T. is my oldest son, Jeremy. He is a mainframe computer programmer for a large company in Omaha. He has been there for about five years. Anytime you are in the Omaha area, give us a jingle via e-mail. We'd love to get together and bench race something!
My youngest daughter Anissa, now 18, is a good little helper and sometimes serves as my pit crew. She is willing, although much too petite to help with the heavy work.
My youngest boy Chance, 10 has a similar problem. He is an eager little helper but too young to get into the pits. He will be a good pit man someday! Here he is with a few friends.
We have made some additions to the racecar line-up at Backyard Racing. Jeremy bought the 11M car from Rocky Fagen. It is a 46 Ford coupe. He will swap in a 327 and we may paint our coupes to match.
it is in 1967 at Playland Speedway in Council Bluffs, Iowa. It was built and
raced by Don Ronk. Rex Baller, John Ferguson, Paula Bonney and Rocky Fagen
all raced this car. More Pictures
are coming soon! This car has been raced for over a 25 year span.
Jeremy's 66 Car Build Page ....Build pics of the old 66 car, see what we did to get her race ready.
I have bought a 32 Deuce coupe stockcar in need of complete restoration. I hope to have it going for open events this season. I also obtained an ex-Playland bronco car. There are pictures of them below.
If you want a website of your own, I can help, click here! for details.
The "NEW" Backyard Racing Shop
We finally have the new shop. It is 30 miles away, but we own it. No longer do we rent ANY space! This puppy is big! At 5100 square feet, it's more than three times the space we had before. No adjoining renters or parking issues to bother with. The shop will house all of our stockcars. The 00, the "new" 66, the deuce, the model "A", and the '64 Chevelle. It will also be home to my '41 sedan and '47 pickup projects.
Here are some interior pics of our shop, taking a pic in there is like photographing a cave!
Having a dedicated shop to work on the cars has helped. We finally have some overhead space, the ceiling is about 12 feet up. Working out of our backyards for years really sucked!! That is where the BACKYARD RACING name came from by the way.
Here she sits on the dead-end stretch of blacktop in front of our old shop. "Old Blue was reborn as "Devil Woman", named after Marty Robbins coupe that he raced in the Nashville area in the late '60's and early '70's.
The Devil Woman on her first date at US 30 Speedway in Columbus, Ne. in 1999.
She had a slight fuel supply problem. She was very fast, starting at the back of the heat, she went right to the lead ....for a few laps. The engine kept dying and restarting, dying and get the picture. I had to leave the race.
We tried a few things and got her to Webster City Iowa for the 1999 Vintage Reunion there. She ran real hard. We climbed to 4th and the power steering died, I started going backward and came in 8th out of 24 cars. I finally bought the video tape. I have a photos page with Webster City pics from 1999. Look for your favorite car there. I may have of photo of it.
raced at the US 30 Speedway in the "Abe" Lincoln Memorial 9-25-99. We
won our heat and the trophy dash before missing the "A" feature with a
flat tire. It was still a good night. I had never won a trophy dash before. What
a thrill!! The folks at U.S. 30 are very good to GOTRA. We would like to thank
them for a wonderful season and can't wait to return each season.
She has a
winters aluminum wide-5 quick-change rear, rear disk brakes (front are still
coming) and a 3 speed transmission. "Old Blue
" was raced with the "Nostalgia Stock Car Racing
Association". It was set up with
coil overs, pull bar and other no-no's, and had to be re-engineered
for GOTRA rules. I have taken a ton of pictures during the
process of rebuilding this car.
Here's a recent picture of the 00 car. Taken after a bath, summer 2001
My latest coupe addition to the Backyard.....
She needs a little work!!
The latest addition isn't even a coupe. It's an early Chevelle (64 I think), raced at Playland Speedway and parked alond a gravel road for over 28 years. We washed two inches of rotting leaves off the body.
Yeah, she's a little rough. If you're keeping track, (wifey sure is!) I have the '46, the '32, the Chevelle and the remains of the Model A. Jeremy has the '34 and the '46.
My first sweetheart... Car #1
Car #1, was a 1931 Model A Coupe, powered by a stone stock Chevy 327 with a 500 cfm Holley 2-bbl carb. It had a Ford 9-inch 4.56:1 rear and 4-speed. Unfortunately I crashed the coupe in '97 at Thunderlake Raceway, and it is currently slated for re-construction. All that remains is the shell, stashed in the new shop, a frame I picked up along the way, a seat, and enough miscellaneous parts to piece most of it together.
a car right can take a long time, we hoped to have it back in 1999. Hey, that
rhymes!.... Of course it still hasn't happened.
Backyard Racing Team- Members of GOTRA, the Good Ol' Time Racing Association is a group of good ol' racers dedicated to preserving and racing vintage dirt track race cars.
WE NEED SPONSORS!! IF you would like to sponsor a car that thousands of people see in a three or four state area (see the schedule page), then this is it! These cars are very popular and kids love them. Backyard Racing takes part in car shows as well as an ever growing race schedule. Your sponsorship will help us attend more races. In return, we will help you build an internet presence. We'll build your website, help you through the entire process of becoming a DOT Com business. In addition, if you are local, Backyard Racing would love to do appearances at your event or place of business!! Contact Dan Franks via e-mail at Let's talk about what Backyard Racing can do for you!!
If you want a homepage but don't know how to go about it, contact us to help. Obviously we ain't geniuses when it comes to web page design. But.... we can help and we are cheap!! We will get you signed up for free web space, get your account created and build you a page or two to get you started (usually for $75-100). We can even scan your first pictures for you, all for a reasonable fee based on the amount of work you want us to perform. Webpages link you and your family, statewide, nationwide and globally! Click HERE for all the details.
Click here to see racing pics of the Backyard Racing Team (more coming)
Webster City 1999 pics from Webster City..
Webster City 2003 pics from Webster City..
"Devil Woman" Build Page ....Build pics of the 00 car, and the 89 car.
Jeremy's 66 Car Build Page ....Build pics of the old 66 car (I found them).
DAN'S TOYS PAGE....Pics of some of my toys, past and present...Check it out!!(more pics coming as I find and scan them).
Coupe Setup Page ....Setup info, basically..
Backyard Racing Photos ....Pics of Backyard Racing team on the track.
DAN'S COUPE PAGE... ....My first Coupe....Pics of my Model "A" before and after crashing it.
PLAYLAND SPEEDWAY PAGE....Dedicated to PLAYLAND SPEEDWAY, Council Bluffs, Iowa and the racers who raced there. Working on some more material for this page, more old racing stuff!!
"Devil Woman" ....Pic of the original "Devil Woman" race car. Owned and driven by the late Marty Robbins.
Racecars For Sale Page ....Click here to see our "CARS FOR SALE" Page. There are a few for sale here. E-mail me for the most current info.
DORNEY PARK SPEEDWAY PAGE....Dedicated to DORNEY PARK SPEEDWAY, Pennsylvania and the racers who raced there. Closed in 1984, this track raced coupes at least until 1979!!
Setup Tips Page ....More setup info, oriented toward modified or late model ..
Racecar Photos Page ....Friends of GOTRA, Pics of cars from around the country.
Dad's story in words and pictures....My Dad (and best buddy), Al Franks passed away at about 3 pm CST, March 8, 2001. A diary of sorts is here.
Canadian Motor Racing Historical Society ....The content of this page was provided by Don "Speedy" Smith, who passed away on March 20,1999. He will be missed by family, friends and race fans alike. This page is my memorial to him.
Click here to see a few pictures of the Model "A" coupe.
Have you ever been at a swap meet and wondered which shocks you should buy? Or what part number is used for which corner of the car? Check out the setup page.
Click here for Coupe Setup info!!!.
Click here to see our race schedule.