Compare the cost of our
web design with others and you'll find us an attractive alternative.
Our "bang for the buck" is second to none. We have quality website packages starting at less than $100. Make your race team and sponsor look good and use your money to go FAST!!! A website can really show off your race team to prospective sponsors!! Put your favorite car photos here:
Many choices of backgrounds available. Many Fonts and COLORS too! How it works: I'd create a website called "Dirt Racer" for example, or whatever you like. The address would be something like dirtracer.tripod.com or whatever.tripod.com an e-mail account reflecting the name would be included. dirtracer@whatever.com. I would set up the web account with password and create a home (starting) page. All your contact info, name, phone, mailing address, etc., would be on there as well as info about your team and racecar(s). Create a pictures page with 10-20 pics that you select on there. Perhaps some still shots of your car, or shop as well as racing photos. Create a links page if you like or a page about your sponsor or sponsors. That gives them more exposure. Your website is now on line! If the site meets your approval, pay me and I hand the site to you, you can now manage it yourself, with the password that you can change. The exact charge will depend on how much you want done. Probably about $100 for what I've described. You don't like it, you pay nothing and I scrap the page. I'm out a bunch of work and you are out nothing! If you don't know how to update the site or just want me to do it. Update costs will depend on how often and how much you change. Just adding quick race results or a pic or two will cost $5-10. What if you want to become www.gotra.com or www.playlandspeedway.com ? Do like I did, to become www.gotra.com, I went to www.register.com and paid them $35 a year, I get a really nice e-mail account and url redirection. Simply put, with url redirection, the web surfer enters www.dirt-racer.com and it goes automatically to your whatever.tripod.com or your geocities.com/whatever address. No one will know the difference. Or if you want to get REALLY SERIOUS and go all the way, get ipower.com webhosting for $95 a year like my www.playlandspeedway.com site!!
Backyard Racing... Racecars, Web Design and more. Call: Dan Franks 402-319-6168 (9am-7pm CST) for details My own websites: Good Ol' Time Racing Association