Backyard Racing Team
Coupe Setup Page
Racing Shock info
Pro Shock Part Numbers for indicated dirt track conditions.
Conditions | Left Front | Right Front | Left Rear | Right Rear |
Average | WB76 | WB76 | WB95 | WB95 |
Tacky or Rough | WB77 | WB77 | WB946 | WB96 |
Slick or Slow | WB753 | WB763 | WB935 | WB94 |
WB7x number = 7" shock travel, WB9x number = 9" shock travel.
For more setup info see the tips page, the content comes from a document I recieved via e-mail. Click here to see tips on setting up your racecar!I hope that the right author is credited. I offer it "as-is", but the info looks very good to me (what do I know??!!).
RCI Shock Part Numbers for indicated dirt track conditions.
Conditions | Left Front | Right Front | Left Rear | Right Rear |
Average | 750c | 760c | 950c | 940c |
Heavy | 750c | 770c | 950c | 960c |
Rough | 750 | 750 | 950c | 960c |
Dry Slick | 750c | 740c | 940c | 940c |
7xxx = 7" travel, 9xxx= 9" travel.
Carrerra Shock Part Numbers.
Conditions | Left Front | Right Front | Left Rear | Right Rear |
Average | CRA-3175 | CRA-3176 | CRA-3195 | CRA-3194 |
Heavy | CRA-3175 | CRA-3175 | CRA-3195 | CRA-3197 |
Rough | CRA-3175 | CRA-3175 | CRA-3195 | CRA-3197 |
Dry Slick | CRA-3175 | CRA-3174 | CRA-3194 | CRA-3194 |
CRA-xx7x = 7" travel, CRA-xx9x= 9" travel.
Rule of thumb values: Most road race type vehicles try for a 50-50 front to rear weight distribution, in short track dirt racing with heavy breaking that may work. If you don't use your brakes much, you'll probably push because you'll have no weight transfer forward. You may want 55-45 front to back distribution. Most dirt cars want some extra left side weight as a starting point, perhaps 55-45 or 60-40 left to right. Move the weight around with weight bars from left to right depending on track conditions. Left side weight will loosen the car, right side weight will tighten the car.
Most cars are over-sprung if they have a truck frame. Generally, 3 leaves on the left side of the car and 4 on the right will work. You may want to shim the right front spring to get the proper weight distribution to all corners of the car. The rear shocks should be mounted as near to 90 degrees as possible referenced to the rear axle.
Basically a shock tries to keep the tires (and all unsprung components) against the ground. The lighter the weight of these (unsprung) components, the easier that job becomes. Use lightweight wheels, brake components, axles, etc. It may be advantageous to mount shocks upside down where possible to reduce unsprung weight. The shock assembly has some weight to it, whether it is enough to worry about is debatable. If you have a 300 lb axle the two 5 lb shocks won't matter!
PLEASE NOTE: All values are "guesstimated" for cars under 2700 lbs. These values are based partly on info from the manufacturers and Backyard Racing Team's best guesses. This is not the bible, just a starting point. If we're off-base with any of this info, please e-mail Backyard Racing at: race_66 @ We do not want to mislead anyone!